To the editor: The presidential oath of office reads as follows: 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' You will note the oath does not require the president to obey or enforce U.S. laws. Nor does the Constitution say that the president shall execute the laws, but that 'he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” i.e., by others.

But, honestly, we expect the president to obey and enforce U.S. laws, right?

In Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention he recounted a conversation he said he had with a waitress: “(T)he waitress comes over, ‘How’s everything going?’ ‘Oh, it’s so tough. The government’s after me all the time on tips, tips, tips.’ I said, ‘Well, they give you cash, would they (the IRS) be able to find it?’” We all can recall the fact that late in 2022 a Manhattan jury found two Trump Organization companies guilty on multiple charges of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records connected to a 15-year scheme to defraud tax authorities by failing to report and pay taxes on compensation for top executives.

The former president has called all of the cases against him or his organizations “witch hunts.” However, now that he openly admits he encourages illegal tax evasion, can there be any doubt that the former president really believes laws need not be obeyed? What will be the long-lasting effect on this country, our children, our grandchildren if those in elected offices do not think laws need be obeyed?

— Robert Storm, Summit

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