The following column was previously published in 2021.Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 10 years. We’ve had a lot…
The year’s first presidential debate sank the reelection chances of President Joe Biden. The second one may have severely damaged the prospect…
In their first and possibly final face-off in Philly, a smiling, well-rehearsed Kamala Harris and a stern Donald Trump clashed bitterly on imm…
If this was the only Kamala Harris-Donald Trump debate, the country was the ultimate loser.
Dear Dave, My wife and I are trying hard to get out of debt and start controlling our finances. We’ve always given our kids allowances in the …
Have you been hearing the comments about Donald Trump’s recent speeches that I have been hearing or reading about?After his recent rally in Mo…
For years a lot of Wisconsinites viewed the issue of "the border" as theoretical. After all, the Mexican border is about 1,500 miles away from…
On Wednesday at 5:24 a.m., a trailer hauling a bulldozer was struck by a Prius, which then tipped over on its side in the 3100 block… Read moreSMÌìµØÂÛ̳ police blotter: Sept. 10-11, 2024
Dear Annie: My wife "Monica" has been having a mostly texting affair with "Mike" for almost two years. There are emails where they address eac…
With the presidential race heating to a boil, America’s looming retirement crisis should take center stage in this election alongside other to…
With inflation easing faster in recent months, Fed policy has become more restrictive. Concerns are mounting that the Federal Reserve may have…
Christmas Parade political adIn regards to Mayor Shawn Reilly taking a stance on the use of the Christmas Parade tragedy for political gain, I…
Dear Annie: I am disabled and use a mobility device and oxygen due to emphysema, which was caused by my 30 years of cigarette smoking. I quit …
(Re: "Harris, Walz stand with Ukraine, GOP retreats," Aug. 24): Not a good idea to corner a nuclear-armed bear.
In regards to Mayor Shawn Reilly taking a stance on the use of the Christmas Parade tragedy for political gain, I commend the mayor for taking…
I am calling in regard to the article (Thursday) about Mayor Reilly condemning the GOP Senate race and (the ad) tying Democrats to the Waukesh…
It is my hope to put to rest the mistaken belief that Great Lakes water, now or at any point in the future, will be used to solve the water wo…
Even presidential candidates aren’t powerful enough to stop unintended consequences.
To the editor: The economy and the American people have clearly suffered under the Biden-Harris administration. Prices have gone up and are no…
It’s been 15 years since workers earning the federal minimum wage got a raise. The cost of living has gone up more than 45% since then, with r…
How do accomplished radicals elect a mediocre far-left presidential candidate?
Dear Annie: This is a long story, but I will try to keep it short. I gave my mother a couch and chair as she was in desperate need of furnitur…
To the editor: I live in Watertown. My congressman is Scott Fitzgerald. He is a badger. No, I mean it. He is a badger.
Matt Brown (Wednesday) claims I am a liberal who needs to be educated on basic economics. Well, Mr. Brown, I have a Ph.D. in economics and I a…
Dear Annie: My soon-to-be ex started spreading lies about me in the spring of 2021, telling people I’ve had three nervous breakdowns and now I…
Right problem, wrong solution. It’s one of the most familiar stories in politics.
As the warmth of summer finally begins to ease, an already feverish election season will continue heating up. So, let’s do a temperature check…
With students across the state getting ready for school, it’s a natural time to consider the status of our publicly funded education system.We…
Dear Annie: Five weeks ago, my brother-in-law (23 years old) moved out of the psychiatric facility he was staying in after causing a scene and…